26-29 Sep 2017 Bordeaux (France)

Registration instructions

The registration to the KIDA2017 conference is a 3 step process. You will only be registered once the three steps completed.


1) Create a ScienceConf account using the link on the top right or log on if you already have an account.

2) Register by clicking on the "Registration" tab in "My Space". Fill in the form to register. 
You will receive a confirmation email saying that you requested registration. 

3) Pay the registration fees. The registration fees are 60€ for all participants and should be paid by August 31, 2017. No payment is allowed after this date nor at the conference.  These fees include lunches, coffee breaks, and the Wednesday party. You will not be officially registered (and appear in the list of participants) until you have paid the registration fees. Do to it, you have to go to https://www.azur-colloque.fr/DR15/AzurInscription/?&iColId=199&NaiveForm_id=AzChoixColloque&btnAzurI=Inscription&lang=en
Here is some additional information concerning the payment:
 - you can pay using a credit/debit card (preferred solution for researchers not in a French institution) or by invoice (bon de commande, mostly for researchers from a French institution)
 - to pay by credit/debit card select "you are paying the invoice"
 - the field "contact person" should be someone from your own institute who will deal with the payment of the invoice.
Once the payment is done, you will receive an email of confirmation saying that you are registered and appear in the list of participants.
To propose a contribution (oral or poster), click on the Submission button in "My Space".
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